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Monday, May 2, 2011

What A Year!

Today, our twins are five months old, exactly one year, to the day, after we found out I was pregnant.  

A year ago, I day dreamed about what life would be today.  It's fun to look back now and see how close, or not, I was.  Mostly, I was way off.  For starters, I had no idea we would be having twins, and I expected that my baby would be just three and a half months old at this point.  I had no idea I would not be working, and I couldn't even begin to imagine just how crazy I would be about these little people.  I did know that Joey would be an amazing father, and that I would question my mothering abilities every single day.

Austin & Makayla ~ Five Month Old!
Five months old is a lot of fun.  I have to say, it has been a lot of hard work getting here, and still is a lot of hard work, but the work is getting more and more rewarding every day.  They are both smiling and giggling regularly now, and are able to push up on their elbows to explore the world in front of them.  Austin is really enjoying his new exersaucer and Makayla loves shaking the bells she received from Blind Babies.

If this last weekend in any indication, the five month mark may be the beginning of getting a little bit back to "normal life", as well.  On Friday, I took the babies with me for a fairly long car ride to meet more of their great-grandparents.  Although Makayla had a bit of a hard time when we got there, the trip was pretty smooth and I have to count it as a success.  Definitely a trip I'll be willing to make again!

Then, on Saturday, Joey and I took them with us to Chevy's for their great-grandfather's 84th birthday.  This was their first trip to a restaurant.  We were very nervous about taking them, but figured there would be enough capable hands to keep them happy at least long enough for us to tell grandpa, happy birthday, even if we had to come right home.  They were perfect!  They watched the busy hectic world of Chevy's swirl around them, and Joey and I both ate, before making an early exit...because after all, five-month-olds have very limited attention spans.  But in the end, we count this as another great success.  We are glad we took the risk and went.

It feels so good to get out and enjoy doing things as a family.  I love watching Austin and Makayla soak in the world around them, so eager to learn everything they can get into their grasp. 

Happy 5 month birthday, little kidlets! 


  1. I'm always so happy to find other twin mama's out there blogging. Popped over to follow after your "friend"ing on blogfrog. Your babies are gorgeous!

    And you are right, it does start to become more "normal" at this point. I've never said having twins was "hard", just really really busy! Here's to a bit more normalcy, and happy 5 months Austin and Makayla!

  2. Thank you for following me on Blog Frog. I am glad I "hopped" over to check out your sweet blog. I love the picture at the top of the page--aren't baby feet the sweetest things EVER?

    I related to so much of what you shared here. I remember being so anxious, so apprehensive about taking them out, yet so in love with watching them take in a whole new world. I still am.

    Happy 5 month-day babies!

  3. Hi just another twin mommy, following your blog! your babies are so sweet, and congrats on making it to 5 months! It just gets better and better!!!!
